
I land, shuffle the night from my wings,
Lean slowly over the rock
And peer
Into the valley below.

There you are
In the distance,
Stretching your weary arms
As the sun breaks the horizon.

Oh, how much I envy
Your thirst for work,
Your never-ending
Slaving at the land.

If only I could apply myself like you.
I could fly to that further copse,
I could make a neater nest.
Perhaps I could even crow louder.

I wish for your aptitude,
Your level of fitness,
Your tireless, unrelenting
Enthusiasm for your chores.

But, you must toil unseen, labour unnoticed,
You must slog when heads are turned,
For never do I even glimpse
You actually do anything.

I used to think it strange,
But came to realise
How little of the human world
I truly understand.

Patience, for example.
You see, if I were to try
And keep to a single field like you,
I’d be too easily distracted.

No plough, no scythe, no grain,
No discernible reason
For always being
In the same place.

Some may think you work-shy,
But I know that you love the farm
And that you’re as committed to it
As the farmer himself.

Out in all weathers,
Unfazed by all seasons,
Even on the cruellest
Of winter nights.

I remember a time
Perhaps three Februarys ago
When you had icicles
Hanging from your hat.

Now, that’s devotion to your work,
A loyalty I just do not have.
Not for flight, not for food,
Not even, dare I say it, for my offspring.

I always keep my distance, as you know,
Because you’re so protective
Of the field
In which you stand,

Except, of course, for that one time,
(Before I stopped being frightened),
When I found you asleep
And I swooped down to check.

But you were OK. You’re always OK.
And besides,
Even you deserved a rest
After that dreadful storm.

I will never forget the sight of you
Covered in hay.
The wind so strong it had blown straw
Into the gaps in your shirt.

And as the light begins to fade,
I dream that maybe one day
We could be friends,
And you could tell me your secrets.

In truth, however,
I know it won’t happen.
We lead
Such different lives.

So instead,
I will use your example of dedication,
Strive to be more like you,
And continue to admire you from afar.

David Thackwell


The Sparrowhawk

